Writer’s Pledge for 2019

In 2018, my word for the year was SANCTUARY.

This year, my word is GUSTO. And to keep the gusto going, I’m going to make some promises to myself.

This is not going to be easy!

  1. Saying goodbye to your Internal editor is an ongoing process! I’m putting you in my lovely Wedgewood dish–the one with the tight lid. I’m going to try some new strategies–when I feel that judgmental voice sneaking in, I’m going to stretch. Or walk. Anything but look at my phone.
  2. When I am drafting, I am not going to write backwards. Or edit. Or worry about perfection. Instead, I will leave myself notes. I will write out of order. Where there is gusto, there will be play! I have some ideas that need some attention. I need to get some words on paper!
  3. When revising, I am going to ask questions. I will not be afraid to change directions. I will hear feedback with enthusiasm. With an open heart. I will entertain new possibilities. I will consider the eraser (and delete button) a friend. A good friend.
  4. This year, I have two books coming out. That is AMAZING! I am proud of myself, and I am going to ENJOY it. I am not going to worry about ANYTHING that is out of my control. I am going to be Just Like Rube Goldberg.

2019 is going to be a Rube-a-palooza! I have so many exciting things planned. But first and foremost, I can’t wait to dive into some new stories and characters!

One Response to “Writer’s Pledge for 2019”

  1. Evelyn Krieger

    I love your pledge, Sarah. I should print it out and put it on my writing desk. It’s nice to know that you, too, are visited by the internal editor and perfectionitis.