The other day, my husband told me that I should have been named Lucy. “You are your advice,” he said.
I don’t think it was a compliment.
But when it comes to writing, I find myself giving a lot of advice…especially to new writers…especially when it comes to finding the story you want to write. I call the process, “re-imagination.” (For some students, this triggers inner wrath!!) I draft to know my characters, to find seeds of inspiration. Then I craft a structure. THEN I write.
Sometimes, it even works!
What it depends on: being flexible…being willing to try anything. The truth is, as bossy as I can be, It has never dawned on me not to try. I am happiest when I get new ideas from a reader–be it another writer, an editor, or agent. Suggestions offer me a place to see my work in a new way. I love revision.
But getting started?
That can be hard. I know a lot of people who feel stuck. Or uninspired. Afraid. I get it. If I’m not careful, I tend to obsess about starting. Unless prodded to move forward, I will shuffle words, waiting for inspiration, when I know in my heart that I need to just get to it, that only writing more and more will help me (and others) find the story I want to tell.
This weekend, I am off to meet with my agent. We have a WIP to discuss. I also have a few ideas to run by her. I also want to talk about playing…and what helps other writers get that motor running. What is the spark? Is it different every time? Or do you do something to trigger that feeling of urgency…that you must tell this story and must tell it now!