You find your all time favorite candy bar (from England) at the market. Dessert first!!!!!!
Yoga Wisdom
This morning, in Bikram Yoga, my teacher asked, “Are you playing to win or are you playing not to lose?” Sometimes, I know he’s talking to other yogis, but today, I knew, he was talking to me. And I could hear him loud and clear. I am a bikram homing pigeon. (Well, in general, I’m…
Writing’s like football…how?
Yeah, okay. I buy that.
For my students, since it’s the first week of class!
Try it!
It’s the very first question I always ask. Answer quickly. Not too much thinking! What does this character want….and why?
The Jar is BACK!
If you are like me: guilty of constantly going backwards to fix things in the novel, take my advice: start a writing jar. (I am taking out mine today.) Every time you go back to edit: pay $25 to charity. This helps me generate a rough draft. When I realize something, I make a…
Try it!
What is your book… In TEN WORDS…..or less?????
If you are slow to get back to work after the long vaca….
REMEMBER: Now, back to work.
After vacation…
I start with questions.
Today, in the car, I got my FIRST TIP for the new year: TALK. I’ve had a few ideas percolating…but not quite ready for prime time. (In other words, I’ve been circling the concept….) Today I talked OUT LOUD about both books, both ideas. And BOTH TIMES, the people I shared ideas with came up…