Yoga Wisdom

This morning, in Bikram Yoga, my teacher asked, “Are you playing to win or are you playing not to lose?” Sometimes, I know he’s talking to other yogis, but today, I knew, he was talking to me. And I could hear him loud and clear. I am a bikram homing pigeon. (Well, in general, I’m…

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Try it!

It’s the very first question I always ask. Answer quickly. Not too much thinking! What does this character want….and why?  

The Jar is BACK!

  If you are like me: guilty of constantly going backwards to fix things in the novel, take my advice: start a writing jar. (I am taking out mine today.) Every time you go back to edit: pay $25 to charity. This helps me generate a rough draft. When I realize something, I make a…

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Try it!

What is your book… In TEN WORDS…..or less?????    


Today, in the car, I got my FIRST TIP for the new year: TALK. I’ve had a few ideas percolating…but not quite ready for prime time. (In other words, I’ve been circling the concept….) Today I talked OUT LOUD about both books, both ideas. And BOTH TIMES, the people I shared ideas with came up…

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