Quote of the day

This works for me on multiple levels.

Remove color

I saw this setting in color. Now in black and white, it evokes very different emotions. (Thank you, Alisia Leavitt!) What would happen if you changed the light in your setting? (Going to try it right now.)

Try it!

Monday’s prompt: What are your named characters’ FLAWS? How do those flaws create obstacles for all your characters?  

Embarrassing adventures in the queue

See how everyone is smiling?I have never been afraid to admit eavesdropping/talk to strangers/introduce myself to someone I know I have seen…but has no clue who I am. I LOVE standing in a queue. You never know who you will meet. Today was no exception. Waiting for fish at The Whole Foods, I saw someone…

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Outside my window

When I was a little girl, I had a tree I called “my secret hiding place.” As a teen, I used to climb into the cherry blossom tree and write in my journal. Now I have this! What is outside your window, waiting to inspire you?


A Donald Maass writing prompt to challenge you and your WIP: In your current scene, what’s the sharpest line?  Structure the scene to make that the *last* line.  Maximize your white space!!!!    

Quote of the Day

Be humble. AND be strong. Greet each day with confidence.

The painting that started it all!

The first time I saw this painting, I could barely breathe. That girl. Her face. Why did he paint her that way? This is why I write. What do you see?