
Coming of Age

13 B'Nai Mitzvah Stories

What does it mean to become an adult in your faith? Join thirteen diverse characters as they experience anxiety, doubt, and self-discovery while preparing for their b’nai mitzvah. And whether celebrating with a lavish party or in reception room A with an accordion player, the Jewish rite of passage remains the same. Filled with humor, hope, and history, there’s something in this anthology for every reader, regardless of their faith.

“In a refresh­ing­ly spe­cif­ic sto­ry, The Assign­ment, Sarah Aron­son rem­i­nisces about meet­ing with her rab­bi to dis­cuss her Torah por­tion, with Richard Nixon’s res­ig­na­tion in the back­ground of cur­rent events. Aronson’s nar­ra­tor is frus­trat­ed at a class assign­ment that excludes either women or Jews as sub­jects; she decides to write about polit­i­cal activist Abbie Hoff­man, mis­tak­en­ly believ­ing him to be a Jew­ish woman. This sto­ry is humor­ous, unex­pect­ed, and insightful.” —Jewish Book Council

Spinning Toward The Sun

Essays on Writing, Resilience, & the Creative Life

A new guidebook for writers & creatives

Featuring essays from a diverse group of over 30 nationally-celebrated authors and Western NC powerhouse creatives, Spinning Toward the Sun is part craft manual and part life companion, offering both inspiration and hands-on guidance to fellow creatives and anyone dealing with tough times.

100% of proceeds donated to support Asheville’s Hurricane Helene recovery efforts