From the Newsletter: Reassess. Reset. Restart

Do one thing today that scares you – and you already know what that is! – and go do it. Even if you just make one step toward it, it will help you look at the world differently. -Luvvie Ajayi

Dear Writers,
Greetings from The Highlights Foundation’s Whole Novel Workshop!

During this retreat, writers submit a whole novel. A faculty member reads it and writes an editorial letter. We talk about writing. We workshop our stories. We make a plan for revision.

This is NOT easy work.

Revising is a do-over. It’s a chance to see your story in new ways. It’s your chance to say what you want to say with more tension, more conflict, more heart.

What a privilege that is!

But it is also scary.

Right now, all the writers here are stretching with support. They are helping each other. We are learning and pushing ourselves and exploring new ideas and WOW is it exhilarating. And inspiring. And that makes me take chances.

I am working on two things: a chapter book idea that charms me. And a YA novel that is freaking me out! Mostly because I’m not sure I can do it. Do you ever feel that way? Today, I’m not sure my skills are enough. I’m not sure my heart can take it. I very well may fail.

So why am I doing it?

Because the story scares me.
Because it moves me.
Because I see new ways to tell it.
Because I can’t forget it.
Because this is our job.
Because there is a reader waiting for this book. A kid like I used to be.

Are you ready to stretch? Reach? Groan? Embrace the power of play?

Are you getting ready to revise? Are you in the middle of a revision? Are you getting ready to share your work?

Are you scared?

This week, focus on one secondary character. A character that isn’t fully developed in the first draft. Journal about the story from THEIR POV. See how they see the story. Ask them what is on their mind. Find a new way in to your tension and conflict.

You might still be scared.
But that is one way to know that the story needs to be written.

Have a great writing week!
