Thank you, nErDCamp Kansas!

Dear Friends: (organizers, teachers, and creators):

What a day!

Thank you so much for including me in this day of learning, networking, inspiration, and FUN.

Thank you for inviting me into a community of like-minded thinkers. Of people who care deeply about literacy, and also kids, the world, the environment, our hearts. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms and big smiles.

Thank you for making space for discussion. For listening. For being able to speak honestly. And hopefully.

Thank you for giving us the chance to share ideas and enthusiasm in this growing discussion and powerful community.

I hope you could feel it.

The gratitude. But more than that–empowerment. And excitement. Inspiration.

This is why I believe so completely in community–and the power that permission offers! In every session I participated in, the answer was always (at least in part) about community.

It came up when talking about funny books–about what humor can offer kids learning to read. Or going through hard times. Or kids who need a break. Or all of us–because smiling and joy and laughter can bring us together for life.

Community came up in the panel about the topic I’ve been talking about since 2014–the POWER OF PLAY.

(I could have talked PLAY all day!)

Play comes from trust. It builds community. It builds voices. Losing EXPECTATIONS is the way to invite creativity into the day! Unstructured time is purposeful. When I am drawing or walking or not doing anything, I am imagining!

Community came up as we talked STORYBOARDING.

And of course, it came up when we discussed FAILURE. I am going to write something longer about this–but for now I want to thank everyone who bravely stepped into that session and talked about failure–about how essential it is. And not just how we can learn from it. But how we can celebrate it. Make friends with it. Stop feeling ashamed of BEING BOLD and TRYING NEW THINGS and TAKING (smart) RISKS.

Kids need our hands when they take these steps. They need to not fear failure. They need to learn not to fear failure.

I was inspired. By the teachers that welcomed us with open arms. By the preparation and details that went into making this day an invitation for all. By the smiles and contributions of all the writers.

Thank you for sharing YOUR sparkle with me.

Today, I write with a FULL HEART. And greater purpose.

Sparkle on!!

xo sarah